Emissions Calculator

Considering upgrading to electric school buses? Use the calculator below to find out the environmental impact of transitioning your fleet.

MCPS EV bus depot
"*" indicates required field
Class 7 diesel bus has an average fuel economy of 7 mpg
Average annual mileage driven by each vehicle

Annual Results

By upgrading your fleet to electric school buses, you would avoid ~ gallons of every year, which is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for 1 year. See below for a breakdown of your diesel fleet's current emissions output and the impact you could make on your community by switching to electric.

This is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from:

gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for 1 year

miles driven by an average gasoline powered pass vehicle

This is equivalent to carbon sequestered by:

acres of US forests in one year

tree seedlings grown for 10 years

Annual Emissions Saved by Switching to Electric

Greenhouse Gases
Metric Tons
Metric Tons
Metric Tons
Metric Tons
Metric Tons
Reduction Amount
Percent Saved

Interested in learning more about how electric school buses reduce carbon emissions?

Read more in this blog post

California AB 1305 Emissions Disclosure

Highland’s emissions calculations are based on publicly available data, including average fuel consumption, vehicle emissions factors, and electricity generation emissions profiles. These estimates take into account both avoided tailpipe emissions from fossil fueled vehicles, and the indirect emissions associated with electricity generation used to charge electric vehicles.

While electrification can significantly reduce greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions, the actual impact varies based on local electricity grid mix, vehicle duty cycles, and other factors. Highland is committed to using the most accurate and up-to-date data available to assess and communicate these benefits.

For more information on our methodology and data sources, please contact Dave Seamonds (dave@highlandfleets.com).